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Basic knowledge for a site Engineer
- A Site Engineer should remember some points which is helpful to him.beacause when a fresher going to start his career as a Site Engineer he face more problems So here I presented some points as following...
- C/C means Centre to Centre distance.
- For circular & square/rectangular column minimum longitudinal bar required = 6 and 4 resp.
- The minimum thickness of slab is 125mm.
- PH value of water less than 6 should not be used for construction purpose.
- Initial and final setting time of cement is 30min & 600min.
- Lapping of bars not allowed if the diary of bar more than 36mm.
- Dead load means self weight of structure.
- Sand having moisture content more than 5% should not be used for concrete mix.
- DPC Means Damp Proof Course & the thickness of DPC shouldn't be less than 2.5cm.
- The height of floor os usually 3m or 10ft.
- A Head Mason can work 25-30 m3 in a day.
- In construction, the rate analysis for the work of workers are calculated in man hours (ex 50/- per hour).
- Cantilever beam has one fixed support and other end is free. Simple supported beam has a minimum of two supports.
- PCC ( Plain Cement Concrete) this type of concrete is used on members only when the tensile force are not acting on it.
- The weight of 1st class clay brick should be 3.85 kg and it has a crushing strength of 10.5 MN/m2.
- Adding more water in the concrete mix to increase setting time leads to form the cracks or honeycomb in hardened concrete.
- Vibration in freshly made concrete is done to remove the air bubble in concrete mix.
- The concrete can be lifted to a maximum height of 50m by using concrete pump.
- The minimum sill level height should be 44 inches.
- The transvers reinforcement provided in beam are called stirrups.
- Stirrups in beam and ties in column are provided to handle the shear force and to keep longitudinal bars in position.
- The prime reason for using steel as reinforcement is due to thermal expansion. the thermal expansion coefficient of concrete and steel is same having value of 12×10^-6 ℃.
- Weight of bar is calculated by using the formula (D*D/162)× length of bar.Where D= dia of bar.
- Specific gravity of cement =3.16 g/cm3 brick =2 g/cm3 and sand 2.65 g/cm3.
- Floor are occupied by 50kg of cement bag is 0.3m2 & height of 0.18m.
- The Rise in stair in between 150-200mm. And tread in stair in between 250-300mm.
- Hook length should not be less than 9D (D- dia of bar)
- Unit weight of PCC =24KN/m3 and RCC =25 KN/m3 and steel is 7850 kg/m3.
- Cement more than 3 months old cannot be used for construction.
- The length of each bar from factory is 12m.
- The volume of 50kg cement bag is 1.25 cft.
- Standard size of brick is 19×9×9 cm3.
- Unit of excavation is m3 and concrete is m3, steel is MT, and shuttering is m2.
- 1 yard = 3 ft and 1 sqyard = 9 sqft
- Min size of the particle of silt soil is (0.002mm - 0.006mm).
Thanks mr. haris sir this information help us